Tweet Speech

Speak Tweets using the Watson Text to Speech Service from Sentiment Analysis

This flow is an addition to Tweet Sentiment ( follow Tweet Sentiment flow ) which

How to Build this Flow

Step 1: Copy The flow from Tweet Sentiment

Copy the flow from Tweet Sentiment and paste nodes into this new project

Step 2: Insert delay node

Insert delay node and set rate for 1 msg per 10 seconds . This can be changed accodingly. Connect Node to output of switch node to either Positive Tweet or Negative Tweet based on your liking

Step 3 Insert Text to Speech Service

Insert text to speech node from IBM Watson palette and connect to output of delay node

Get Access to Text To Speech

  • Log into IBM Cloud and Go to IBM Cloud Catalog

  • Search for Text to Speech Service within Catalog

  • Create Lite Service

  • Go to created Service and get service credentials for Text to Speech node

  • Set up node properties with username , password and API key from service credentials

Step 4 : Insert play audio node

Insert play audio node . Node might need to be installed within the Manage palette in hamburger menu

Go to Manage palette > install and search for play-audio to find node

Once installed connect node to output of speech to text node

Step 5 : Deploy

Once this flow is deployed you should be able to hear a tweet that is either positive or negative based on where you connected the speech to text service !

Flow can be imported from :

      "label":"Tweet Speech",
      "name":"Positive Tweet debug",

      "name":"Positive / Negative Tweets",

      "type":"twitter in",
      "name":"Listen to twitter feed",
      "name":"msg.tweet details",

      "name":"Sentiment of Tweets",
      "name":"Negative Tweets",

      "name":"Remove URLS and replace #",
      "func":"var tweet = msg.tweet.text;\nvar newtweet = tweet.replace(/#/g, \" Hash tag \");\n\n// regex from\nmsg.payload = newtweet.replace( /(([a-z]+:\\/\\/)?(([a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+([a-z]{2}|biz|com|co|edu|gov|info|net|org|ly))(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\\/[a-z0-9_\\-\\.~]+)*(\\/([a-z0-9_\\-\\.]*)(\\?[a-z0-9+_\\-\\.%=&]*)?)?(#[a-zA-Z0-9!$&'()*+.=-_~:@/?]*)?)(\\s+|$)/gi, \"see short URL \" );\nreturn msg;",


      "name":"node-red-node-watson dependency",
      "info":"This flow requires the\n  node-red-node-watson@0.5.10 or higher\nfor the following Watson nodes:\n  Text to Speech\n  Speech to Text\n  Tone Analyzer\n  Visual Recognition\n\nYou can either \n  $ sudo npm -g install node-red-node-watson\n  and restart the Node-RED service\nor install it from Node-RED Manage Palette.",

      "name":"node-red-contrib-play-audio dependency",
      "info":"This flow requires the\n  node-red-contrib-play-audio\nfor the Browser play audio node.\nYou can either \n  $ sudo npm -g install node-red-contrib-play-audio\n  and restart the Node-RED service\nor install it from Node-RED Manage Palette.",

      "name":"Paste API keys for Watson Text to Speech",
      "info":"1. Log into IBM Cloud\n2. Create an instance of the \nWatson Text to Speech service.\n3. Visit the Service Credentials tab\n4. Click on View Credentials\n5. Copy/Paste the password and username into\nthis Node-RED node.\n\nOr\n1. Open this Cloud Foundry Node-RED Starter App\n2. Create a new Connection\n3. Bind the Watson Text to Speech service\n4. Restage your Cloud Foundry application",

      "name":"Happy test",
      "payload":"{\"text\":\"every one is awesome\"}",
      "name":"Sadness test",
      "payload":"{\"text\":\"Rainy days make me sad\"}",
      "name":"Angry test",
      "payload":"{\"text\":\"I hate this demo\"}",
      "name":"Pick a #hashtag to follow",

      "name":"text to speech",
      "type":"play audio",


Last updated